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Who is the Episcopal Church? 

The Episcopal Church is a Christian Church in the United States and elsewhere whose origins lie in the Church of England. Though the Episcopal Church is based in the United States, it is part of an international body called the Worldwide Anglican Communion, which includes member churches in Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America. The contemporary Episcopal Church, not to mention other Anglican churches around the globe, is diverse. You can find Episcopal churches that worship with electric guitars and others only with organs. There are Episcopal clergy who diligently wear medieval style garb in church and others who lead services in casual wear. Nevertheless, the Episcopal Church is united around a few practices and institutions. We hold to the ancient, threefold order of ordained ministry: deacons, priests, and bishops. The reading, hearing, and studying of Holy Scripture is central to our worship and in all our deliberations. We hold to the Faith of the Church as expressed in the seven ecumenical councils, with the Nicene Creed standing as a central expression of that Faith. We use the Book of Common Prayer as our foundation for prayer, worship, and pastoral care. In our faithfulness to these things, we also strive to be thoughtful and open to other kinds of traditions, churches, and religions.

The History of Christ Episcopal Church

In 2026, we will celebrate 155 years of Christ Episcopal Church’s continuous presence among the people of Luray and the surrounding areas. From its humble beginnings in 1871, Christ Church has faithfully served God and community with heartfelt dedication and unwavering faith. Christ Church’s first Deacon, the Reverend John Ambler, was a man of drive and dedication. Rev. Ambler arrived in Luray in September of 1871, and began holding services in the Methodist church and the county courthouse. Within 30 days of his arrival, he had begun a campaign to raise funds to build a church—for his 12 communicants! He issued fund appeals to larger churches far and wide, as well as every publication available, and was successful. The largest contribution was $100, the smallest $.25, and the most unusual a “thoroughbred male lamb, worth $50.” By January of 1873, the church was able to purchase a lot on West Main Street, across from the Mimslyn Hotel, for $250, and construction began on the original church building. Unfortunately, Rev. Ambler was transferred to Alexandria in 1874, and work on the church building was suspended for several years until it received a gift of $700 from the president of the Shenandoah Valley Railroad, then being constructed in the town. This amount was sufficient to complete the building of the original church, and the first services were held there in 1882. For the next 30 years, the church continued to grow, even though there was a lengthy succession of priests and a number of years with only lay leadership. In 1905, Archbishop Neve suggested that Christ Church be moved to a more central location to better serve the congregation and the church’s missions. This recommendation set off a ten-year period of research, discussion, and negotiation concerning the move. In 1914, the church purchased the lot at the corner of Amiss Avenue and Jamison Road (our current location) for $1,000, and plans for construction began right away. An architect was paid $50, and in May of 1915, a contract of $6,900 was awarded to construct the exterior of the new church. The old church was sold for $1,000 and construction commenced. The first service was held on Christmas Day, 1915. The interior of the church was finished several years later and included such cost-cutting measures as re-installing the pews from the old church. Between 1917 and 1921 there had been a series of clergy, none of whom stayed long, disrupting the progress and stability of the congregation. The Vestry felt that this was due principally to the lack of a rectory, so when the debt for the church construction was retired in 1921, plans to build a rectory commenced. Construction of the rectory was completed in 1921 at a cost of $7,300, and was first inhabited by the Rev. Dennis Whittle and family, who remained for five years. Rev. Whittle was young, talented and enthusiastic, and his tenure restored much growth and stability to the church, which by this time included four mountain mission stations. With the interior of the church finally completed, a consecration service took place in 1922, coinciding with the church’s 50th anniversary. From the Great Depression through World War II, Christ Church grew steadily, in numbers and in spiritual depth. The first mention of the need for a parish hall is in Vestry notes from 1934, but there would be a lengthy struggle to raise the funds to build it. Construction began in 1952, after the congregation was able to raise $11,000 of the $22,000 construction costs—the rest having been provided by a loan and a gift from the Bishop. The parish hall was dedicated in December of 1953 and, in addition to being the church’s educational and fellowship hub, soon became a center for many community events—something which has continued to the present day. As time went on, a new goal emerged—for Christ Church to become independent. In order to achieve independent church status, a church must demonstrate financial stability. To this end, the Memorial Fund of Christ Church was established, and over a period of several years of excellent management and sound investing, experienced tremendous growth. When the Rev. Jennings Hobson retired in 1982, a search began for a rector who could lead the church to its desired goal. The Rev. Frederick Trumbore answered the call in 1984, and under his leadership, Christ Church was granted independent status in 1989. From 1989 to the present day, Christ Church has continued to grow spiritually and financially. In 1990, the church purchased an adjacent lot which later became its parking lot. The church property also includes green space, recently dedicated to the memory of Rev. Trumbore, which is used for outdoor events and a memorial garden. It has been served by several rectors, most recently the Rev. Catherine Tibbetts, who served faithfully from 2014-2024, and the Rev. Peter Fraser-Morris, the current priest-in-charge. The story of Christ Church cannot be told without mentioning its commitment to good works in the community, which has continued without interruption, in good times and in bad, since the church’s early days. In 1895, the women of the church formed the Ladies Guild of Christ Church, for the purpose of raising money to continue the work of the church. According to financial records, without their efforts—holding numerous fundraisers and making items to be sold—the church would not have been able to continue. Around 1900, a very significant development was the establishment by the Diocese of “The West Blue Ridge Mount Mission,” which had the goal of ministry and evangelism to the people of the mountains. In its early days, two mission churches were built—St. Paul’s at Ingham and St. George’s at Pine Grove. Under the leadership of Christ Church, the Mountain Mission played an important role during the building of Shenandoah National Park and the subsequent relocation of many families. During these years, the Mission served not only spiritual needs, but provided health and education services as well. Eventually, two other mission churches were established at Tanner’s Ridge and Stanley, and all were serviced by Christ Church. Following the construction of the parish hall, the women of the church opened the area’s first thrift store, with the goals of raising money to retire the debt and provide a low-cost shopping opportunity for those in need. This little shop eventually grew into Page One, a comprehensive charity providing a food pantry, family financial assistance, and low-cost shopping for thousands of community members. Page One is now supported by numerous local churches and grant monies and is a lifeline for those in need. Outreach has continued to be a central tenet of the church, both in the local area and beyond. Find out more about the good work we are doing by clicking on Ministries, then on Outreach. As we look forward to our 150th anniversary, we stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. With God’s help, let us move forward in faith and good works. Thanks be to God.

On Faith and Mission:

Christ Episcopal Church exists to know and love the triune God, eternally existent, in one essence and three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that this triune God is the creator of all things, and that we as humans are specially made in God’s image and likeness. We believe that all people have participated in evil, sinning and thereby creating separation: God from humans and humans from one another. We believe that the Son became incarnate as the man, Jesus Christ, and that Jesus lived, died, and rose again to God’s glory and for our salvation. We believe that the Church is the Body of Christ, established by Jesus Christ as one, holy, catholic, and apostolic community to continue his mission in the world. The Church is defined by its commitment to Holy Scripture, its administering of the sacraments (especially baptism and eucharist), and its submission to bishops in apostolic succession. In light of this, we believe that it is our joyful duty to proclaim the gospel: that God the creator has become one of us in Jesus, that he has died for our sins, and been raised to bring us new life. It is our duty to love one another, our local community, and beyond. We believe this love should be expressed tangibly, even when it is difficult or painful to do so. We believe that it is our duty to facilitate growth in love and virtue amongst our members. We believe it is our duty to be open to new ways of seeking and establishing God’s love for all of creation.

Clergy, Staff, and Lay Leadership

Before beginning his tenure at Christ Episcopal Church in 2024, the Reverend Doctor Peter Fraser-Morris (or Rev. Peter, or just Peter) was the priest at St. Luke’s Simeon in Charlottesville while teaching in higher education. Peter has his Masters of Divinity from Duke University and his PhD in religious studies from UVA. He has been a hospital chaplain, a missionary in Peru, and worked in various forms of education, but, his primary call has always been to pastoral ministry in the local church. Peter has fallen in love with Luray, Page County, and Christ Episcopal Church and tries to give back to these communities in ministry and affection.

Rev. Dr. Peter Fraser-Morris


Before beginning his tenure at Christ Episcopal Church in 2024, the Reverend Doctor Peter Fraser-Morris (or Rev. Peter, or just Peter) was the priest at St. Luke’s Simeon in Charlottesville while teaching in higher education. Peter has his Masters of Divinity from Duke University and his PhD in religious studies from UVA. He has been a hospital chaplain, a missionary in Peru, and worked in various forms of education, but, his primary call has always been to pastoral ministry in the local church. Peter has fallen in love with Luray, Page County, and Christ Episcopal Church and tries to give back to these communities in ministry and affection. 

Organist: Samuel H. Thomas, Jr.

Senior Warden: Jeanne Cave

Junior Warden: Jim Davis

Other Vestry Members:

Susan Dees (Pastoral Care)
Debbie Forrest (Worship)
John Lanier (Stewardship & Finance)

Nicole Moseman (Christian Education & Ongoing Formation)
Bob Higginbotham (Communications)
Nina Beran (Outreach and Register)
Mary Beth McGurin (Fellowship)

Parish Treasurer: Linda Lanier

Office Manager: Jill Ruffner


Contact Us


16 Amiss Ave.

Luray, Virginia 22835-1310


Service Times


8:00 am & 11:00 am

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We are an Episcopal Church and members of the Worldwide Anglican Communion. Click here to learn more about our beliefs, history, and mission. 


16 Amiss Ave.

Luray, Virginia 22835-1310

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